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Safety and Three Tips to Feel Safe

Safety and Three Tips to Feel Safe

Three Safety Tips to Feel Safe EVERYONE deserves to feel safe and empowered. Today in our fast-paced busy world, we can easily find ourselves in a situation where we do not feel safe. If you feel as though someone is trying to touch you inappropriately or hurt you in...
Don’t Be A Bully

Don’t Be A Bully

Don’t Be A Bully Bullying is the actions taken to seek harm, intimidate or coerce someone who is considered to be vulnerable to the perpetrator (stopbullying.gov). Like each new generation of children, bullying changes too. New forms of bullying are found, meaning...
Honoring A Survivor’s Voice

Honoring A Survivor’s Voice

Daisy Coleman lived a life dedicated to helping survivors of sexual assault by advocating for better education in schools about prevention strategies and how to recognize and respond to the impact that sexual assault has on youth. Daisy didn’t easily choose this role,...


This past week, I read a really interesting article written by UMass Amherst professor Lisa Aronson Fontes, PhD.  In it, she wrote about the concept of perspecticide.  Perspecticide is the idea that when you’re in a relationship with someone’s who’s controlling,...
Online Abuse in a Relationship

Online Abuse in a Relationship

Regardless of your age, the school you attend, or where you live, it’s highly likely the internet is a major part of your life.  Whether you’re working on school projects using Google Docs, or Snapchatting with your friends, your day wouldn’t be the same without...