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Three Safety Tips to Feel Safe

EVERYONE deserves to feel safe and empowered. Today in our fast-paced busy world, we can easily find ourselves in a situation where we do not feel safe. If you feel as though someone is trying to touch you inappropriately or hurt you in any way, here are 3 safety rules to use to feel empowered and safe.

1. Say NO

· We all have a right to say NO and others should listen. Shout it as loud as you can so others around you will know something is wrong


· As you shout NO, get as far away from the situation as FAST as you can. Run or walk quickly towards someone you know, a group of people or an area that feels safe


· While you are getting away, go to someone you know or trust and tell them what happened. If no one is around who you know or trust, go into an area with a lot of people and tell someone to call 911

These are three simple steps you can take if you are in a situation where you feel unsafe. Share this with as many people as you can and practice saying NO, getting away and telling someone.